Howard Chandler Christy
(1873 - 1952)
Began as war artist following Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders in Cuba. Preferring the depiction of pretty girls over men at war, his "Christy Girl" took her place in the mind of America and countless calendars, magazine covers, book illustrations and collectibles. His WWI Poster, "Gee!! I Wish I Were a Man" is second in popularity only to Flagg's "I Want You!" Christy was an accomplished muralist ("The Signing of the U.S. Constitution" U.S. Capitol Building; nude nymphs at Café des Artistes, New York), and an expert at immortalizing everyone from Mussolini to Amelia Earhart.
For more Howard Chandler Christy images, see the Music and Life page.
Motor (1923) Christy, HC - 001
Advertising Show (1907) Christy, HC - 002
Cosmopolitan (1917) Christy, HC - 003
Lucky Strike (1932) Christy, HC - 004
Lucky Strike (1932) Christy, HC - 005
The Constitution (1939) Christy, HC - 006
The Men Behind the Guns (1917) Christy, HC - 007
Football Programs (1938) Christy, HC - 008
Good Housekeeping (1912, 1913) Christy, HC - 009
The Bill of Rights (1942) Christy, HC - 010
Alfred Lord Tennyson, "The Princess" (1911) Christy, HC - 011
Mural from Cafe des Artistes (19??) Christy, HC - 012
Pictorial Review (1912) Christy, HC - 013
Syndicate Hero (19??) Christy, HC - 014
Red Cross (1940s) Christy, HC - 015
McCall's (1918) Christy, HC - 016
Cosmopolitan, "The Passionate Pilgrim" (1918) Christy, HC - 017
This Week, "As Advertised" (1936) Christy, HC - 018
American Weekly, "Lessons In Love" (1921) Christy, HC - 019
American Legion Monthly (1926, 1927) Christy, HC - 020
Clear The Way (1918) Christy, HC - 021
Sir Walter Scott, "The Lady Of The Lake" (1910) Christy, HC - 022
Self Portrait (1935) Christy, HC - 023