Al Moore
(19?? - 1991)
Moore was a busy illustrator from the 1940s to the late 50s, generating advertising, fashion, story art, and pin-ups. Covers for Saturday Evening Post and Collier's and interior work for these and Woman's Home Companion, American Magazine, Woman's Day, McCall's, Cosmopolitan. Ads for Hertz, Whitman's Chocolates, Ford, Camay, Nash, US Rubber, Coke, Old Gold, Botany. Replaced Vargas and Petty as Esquire's main pin-up man. Moore's girls are less glossy and impossible than those of his talented predecessors, being more girl-next door realistic and natural. He provided calendars for Esquire, Brown and Bigelow. Last illustrations for Pan Am and US Olympics.
Calendar Girl (1950) Moore, Al - 001
Camay, Washington Girl (1949) Moore, Al - 002
Coke (1957) Moore, Al - 003
Coke (1946) Moore, Al - 004
Collier's, "Can I do that for you?" (1948) Moore, Al - 005
Charles E Cooper Advertising Art (1943) Moore, Al - 006
Whitman's, "We've got a Post-war Plan" (1944) Moore, Al - 007
Whitman's, "Close Your Eyes...Open Your Mouth" (1944) Moore, Al - 008
Esquire Girls (1951) Moore, Al - 008
American Weekly, "The Story of the Calendar Girls" (1952) Moore, Al - 009
Earl Stanley Gardner's Perry Mason, "The Case of the Baited Hook" (1955) Moore, Al - 010
Botany Brand (1947) Moore, Al - 011
Saturday Evening Post, "The Model" (1943) Moore, Al - 012
Saturday Evening Post (1941) Moore, Al - 013
Hold Tight (19??) Moore, Al - 014
Collier's, "Saturday Afternoon" (1945) Moore, Al - 015
Collier's (1945) Moore, Al - 016
Cornet, "First Dance" (1946) Moore, Al - 017
Ford (1948) Moore, Al - 018
Ford (1946) Moore, Al - 019
Hertz, "You Get The Car" (1955) Moore, Al - 020
Nash, "No Cloud In Your Sky..." (1945) Moore, Al - 021
Esquire Girl (1950) Moore, Al - 022
Saturday Evening Post, "Letter from Bessie" (1944) Moore, Al - 023
McCall's, "Dresses Must Have Jackets" (1940) Moore, Al - 024
Old Gold, "The Fresher the Better" (1944) Moore, Al - 025
Esquire Girls (1951) Moore, Al - 026
Esquire, "Love At Second Sight" (1949) Moore, Al - 027
Esquire Girl (1950) Moore, Al - 028